Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Homeopathy Treatment


Homeopathy or homoeopathy treatment is an alternative medicine that focuses on treating diseases or disorder based on a symptom and the prescribing a diluted concoction that causes a similar effect as the symptoms in the patient. The philosophy of homeopathy focuses on drawing out and stimulating the bodys' own natural powers to heal the body. Homeopathy has been used as alternative treatment for conditions such as anxiety, phobia, asthma, allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, eating disorders, hormonal imbalance, menstrual difficulties, prostate conditions, or skin problems. It has also been used as side treatment with other medicinal practices.

Benefits of Homeopathy Treatment
  • No side effect
  • Does not interfere with allopathic medicine
  • Treatments for Cerebral Palsy
  • Can be given to pregnant women/children/elderly

Procedure of Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathy remedies are usually given in forms of pills, powder, or diluted liquid solutions. They can be used with other conventional drug treatments but the homeopaths must be informed of this information and any dental or alternative treatments a patient is undergoing should be told to the homeopaths. With any response to the change in a patient’s condition while undergoing the treatment, the homeopaths should immediately be contacted. Some treatments can work almost instantly while some may take up to years depending on each individual’s case.

Risk of Homeopathy Treatment

Although homeopathy treatments are relatively safe, risk can increase if the wrong types of remedies are prescribed. A person with similar symptoms to another may not necessarily be in need of the same concoction as another. The remedies should also be taken for so long a period and should not be taken for longer than directed. If there is any amount of improvement in health noticed during the duration of treatment, additional intake of the remedy should immediately be ceased. Mistreatment of homeopathy treatments could result in the following conditions depending on cases.

Aroma Therapy

Aromatherapy is also sometimes used in pain management, anxiety treatments, or in combination with medical treatments to treat diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Essential oils that are used in aromatherapy can range from over-the-counter medicines such as Vicks VapoRub or Mentholatum to combinations of other essential oils such as sea salt combination.

 Essential Oil and Fragrance Oil
 Essential oil and fragrance oil may sometimes be confused with each other but they are not the same. In fragrance or perfume oil, the ingredients usually are just mainly providing a scent composed of synthetic chemicals but they do not have the therapeutic effects that essential oils do.

Common Process of Aroma Therapy
 The common factor of aroma therapy is the use of essential oils. It is usually applied to the skin but not directly as the ingredients are usually highly concentrated. Most of the time, the essential oils are diluted into another carrier oil such as vegetable oil, sweet almond oil, or grapeseed oil to be absorbed into the blood stream.

Common Ingredients in Essential Oils
 Some common ingredients in essential oils include the use of basil, bergamot, grey tea, black pepper, citronella oil, clove oil, eucalyptus oil, geranium oil, lavender oil, lemon oil, tea tree oil, or yarrow oil.

The Properties of Ingredients of Essential Oils
  • Antibacterial
  • Antiviral
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anxiolytic
  • Antispasmotic
  • Revitalizing
  • Antioxidant
The Benefits of Essential Oils
 Although there are no solid medical evidence that aromatherapy may have any true physical benefits on a patient’s physical health, it is believed to be able to help in improving health, beauty, and hygiene conditions. The aroma from the oil helps to emotionally uplift the patient and some types can also be used as mosquito repellents, steam inhalation to help with influenza or cold, for massage therapy, or in baths for relaxation purposes.

Monday, January 16, 2012


What is Meditation ?

Meditation is a form of holistic spiritual practice with a concentration process where reflexive thinking and attempting to go into a deeper state of relaxation is the main goal. It helps one to reflect upon their identity, resolve phobias, and sometimes reach enlightenment and find one's purposes in life.

Some types of meditative practices include yoga, mindfulness meditation, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Mantra meditation. Some of the benefits of meditation include the reduction of anxiety attacks, decrease in muscle tension, improvement in circulation, or increase in concentration.

Postures in Meditation
 The posture is very important in the practice of meditation with emphasizes on different parts of the body to get in touch with the mental mind. Many aspects of the body such as the spine, the hands, the eyes, one’s focus and gaze, and cross-legged sitting position is emphasized. The most famous basic position of meditation is the Lotus position.

The Body Postures
 The importance of the spine in meditation is to keep a straight back position in order to increase circulation and easiness of breath. This helps a person not to be distracted while meditating. There are different hands positions in meditation with different meanings that can help to affect the consciousness. In meditation, the eyes are usually always closed or half closed to help with concentration to free a person from the worldly distraction and lull a person into a state of oneness and unity with the self. Meditation does not require a person to be in a cross-legged position but it is usually found as a basic meditation position in many cultures.

Lotus Position
 The lotus position is a posture where a person sits crossed legged with the hands so that one symbolizes a lotus. This position is found often as a meditation pose in legendary religious figures such as Shiva, the god of Hinduism or Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Herbal Therapy

 What is Herbal Therapy?
 Herbal Therapy is the traditional use of herbs in the field of alternative medicine to treat or ail physical or emotional illness through their beneficial chemical properties.

It is most commonly practiced in China where herbs are mixed into concoction, such as in tea or soup, depending on their abilities and properties to cure certain illnesses. Usually, they have many benefits that can be found in western medicines but with more natural combinations.

 Common Plants in Herbal Therapy
 Some of the more common plants and herbs found frequently used in herbal therapy includes aloe vera, agaricus blazei, artichokes, blackberry, black raspberry, boophone, calendula, Echinacea, elderberry, feverfew, garlic, german chamomile, ginger, green tea, honey, lemongrass, magnolia, pomegranate, rooibos, shiitake mushrooms, or valerian roots.

 Philosophy of Herbal Therapy
 There are usually four main approaches of the use of plants or herbs as medicine including mystical uses, energizing uses, chemical uses, and functional uses. The roots, leaves, and stems of plants can be grounded, powered, taken raw, dried or mixed into capsules to be taken.

They can also be applied externally as healing agents to deal with pain or ease swelling or inflammation. Because each disease or condition is specific to a patient, usually in traditional Chinese herbal medicine treatments, the practitioner will assess the symptoms of the patients through feeling for their pulse or gauging conditions before mixing up specific herbs unique to the cases to be mixed together especially for that patient to be boiled and extracted.

Common Forms of Extraction for Herbal Therapy
  • Tincture
  • Herbal Wine
  • Elixir
  • Tisanes
  • Vinegar
  • Macerates
  • Decoctions
  • Topicals
  • Extracts
  • Inhalation
  • Benefits of Herbal Therapy
Natural ingredients
  • Alleviate anxiety
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Non Invasive
  • Treats Chronic Diseases
  • Treats Hypertension
  •  Risk of Herbal Therapy
 Many a times, herbal therapy can be relatively safe unless administered for the wrong reasons, prepared wrongly, or given in incorrect dosages where it can become harmful to lethal. Sometimes the concoction can also be contaminated or certain herbal properties benefitting certain patients may have an adverse effect on another. For example, while the herb, black cohosh is used to treat hot flash and menopausal symptoms, it is linked to liver failure.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Asthma is a obstrupshy disease ( stricture) recurring road (canal with symptom clinical in the form of coughing and asphyxia). Some causes are matters of allergen or pollution and activity of abundant bodily or emotion.


- Dry of Kenanga Flower ………….. 3 pcs
(Cananga odorata)
- Water ………………………………….. 200cc

  Cananga Flower
How to :
- Dry kenanga flower poured with boiling water into 200cc water,
- Close it tighly,
- After its cool, filtering the water and drinking at the same time.
- Drinks this ingredient regularly.


Materials :
- Cermai Fruit/Otaheite Gooseberry … 6 seed
(Phyllanthus Acidus)
- Shallot ………………………...….… 2 fangs
- Root Kara ……………………..... ¼ grasps
- Fruit of Longan ………………….. 8 fruits
(Dimocarpus longan)
- Water .......…………………….…. 2 glasses

 Longan Otaheite Gooseberry
( Euphoria Longana)

 How To :

-Washing out fruit of Longan
-All materials of its punched.
-Then, braised into 2 water glasses so remains 1 ½ glass.
- After chilling, the water filtered and drinked.

Longan Otaheite Gooseberry
( Euphoria Longana)


Materials :
- Centered of Sunflower ……………. 30-60 grams
(Helianthus annuus L.)
- Ginger …………………….………..….. 15 grams
(Zingiber Officinale)
- Water ………………………………… 500 grams


How to :
- Both material braised into 500cc water so remains 250cc.
- After rather cool, the water in filtering and in drinking.
- Does this therapy regularly.