Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Dangers of Dehydration

Activities indoors or outdoors have one equation. They both require adequate fluid intake. The experts has long been advocated to drink water at least eight glasses per day, equivalent to two liters.

 The goal is that your metabolism running properly so that toxins or substances are not good in the body can be wasted through sweat and urine, as quoted from Health24.

If someone is not drinking then it has the potential to experience dehydration. Dehydration is the condition when humans lack of body fluids. Signs of one's lack of body fluids, among others, lips, mouth and throat felt dry and thirsty, stiff and dark yellow urine when you urinate.

 For you who work in offices with air conditioning, never even forgot to drink water routine.
At least you can drink at least five cups or 1.5 liters of water per day. Even though your office was cool, but the air conditioner is actually able to reduce body fluids quickly.

 The room is cooled usually have dry conditions. So the body will automatically remove fluid through the pores of the skin to help keep metabolism. Not to mention if you are diligent back and forth to the bathroom to urinate.

 For more activities outside the room or outdoor, in addition to drinking water, beverages containing ions are also quite important. Active body movement and exposed to hot sun, it would be a potential loss of body ions. If the ion is reduced a lot then your body will feel weak and sleepy. The concentration and productivity would be decreased.

 Consume beverages containing ions sufficiently. Now many brands of bottled drinks that contain ions on the market. But remember to pay attention to it in terms of health drinks with regard abortion as well as the expiration date.

 In addition to regular drinking water, maintain the condition of adequacy of fluid in the body can be done by eating enough vegetables and fruit. Fruit is very important for your health because they contain vitamins, minerals and natural anti-oxidants.

 The fruit has been proven to help heal mouth ulcer pain, aid digestion and reduce the risk of cancer.

 Eat fruit no more than four hours after the peel for the content of vitamins and minerals remain good. If lazy to chew the fruit, your favorite fruit juice. The good should not be mixed with sugar. Then look at the composition of the water with fruit when blended, at least 30 percent water and 70 percent fruit.

 If you want more practical, drinking fruit juice is also good packaging. In addition to taste can be adjusted to taste, nutritional content was quite awake.

 And bottled fruit juice also suitable for many of you are active outside the office or room.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Best Time to Exercise

If this is the only time you have or think is the best time to do the fast weight loss exercises in the morning is a routine for many people. However, depending on your fitness goals, this may or may not be optimal.

At night, your body experiences a fast, no food or water. When you wake up, your body becomes dehydrated and your blood sugar level in blood is very low. The exercise in this condition is exacerbated by muscle weakness and even cause loss of muscle mass. The consumption of sugary foods to raise your blood sugar level will only cause a “sugar crash” that falls even lower and results in weakness. So every morning are not the best time to do strength training.

However, if your goal is to burn fat, then the mornings are the perfect time to do it. Low blood sugar result in lower insulin levels. This stimulates a greater release of growth hormones. Growth hormones promote fat loss. Therefore, the exercise in the morning can result in more fat is burned.

However, their formation must be carefully managed to burn fat while preserving muscle. Here are some guidelines to do just that:

Choose the resistance and aerobic exercise, exercise to lose belly fat , and resistance training weight. Strength training requires muscle strength to be effective, weight training, while puts stress on muscles when they are not ready. Resistance and aerobic exercise to go easy on the muscles, maintaining a sufficiently high intensity to increase the release of growth hormone.

 Exercise immediately after waking up before the trend of increased muscle degradation. The more time spent with low blood sugar levels increased the release of cortisol and high levels of cortisol promotes muscle breakdown and fat storage.

 Drink plenty of water before exercise to combat dehydration and helps preserve muscle.
 Limit your exercise to a maximum of 45 minutes. The ideal is 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, like walking on an inclined treadmill or bicycle light, and from 15 to 20 minutes of high intensity exercise, like running or cycling, and HIIT (high intensity interval training). The exercise longer and with greater intensity, to lower the blood sugar in the blood drop, increasing its production of cortisol.
 Thus, depending on what you want to achieve, tomorrow may be the best or the worst time for exercise. That said, if you do it the right way, all you lose is fat.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Natural Beauty Secrets

Natural beauty, of course it is looking for every woman. However, in their daily life, women are familiar with the make-up. Unfortunately, the content of chemicals commonly used in cosmetics women. Chemicals are used to help maintain  quality,  preserve  and enhance the efficacy  of cosmetic itself. Use of appropriate chemicals (not harmful) and in the correct dosage is one requirement for an effective product to beautify the face.

However, the use of natural ingredients  for beauty can minimize side effects than chemicals. That is why, many cosmetic products  that use  organic  ingredients. For natural beauty, you can take advantage of  existing  materials  in the  kitchen  or home. Natural materials  such as  these, generally have few side effects  also can make you beautiful without spending  much money. What are the materials? And what are the benefits?

 You can use the following natural ingredients to make yourself more beautiful in nature and certainly youthful in a simple and natural:

Usefulness of honey for beauty has been known since long. Honey is useful to moisturize skin and reduce skin irritation. Put honey on the lips will also moisturize your lips so avoid chapped lips.

Aloe Vera
Many people use aloe vera or aloe vera to acquire fertile and black hair. Mucus in the aloe vera to prevent rapid fluid out of the skin so that moisture can be maintained. Cool the resulting flavor Aloe vera is also beneficial for treating burns.

Green tea
Pollution is one cause of skin damage. To prevent this, you can consume 6 cups of green tea a day. Green tea contains many antioxidants. Using green tea are believed to protect the skin from free radicals that come from food or pollution so as to prevent wrinkles on the skin.

 Avocado fruit is rich in benefits. The content of vitamin E contained in this fruit used for softener and natural moisturizer for the face. You can also use avocado to moisturize dry hair.

Ginger has many uses in the field of health. But, it turns out ginger is also useful for beauty. Warmth gained from ginger to the blood circulation and tightens the skin so it can make the face more beautiful. You also can prevent the occurrence of stretchmarks with massage using grated ginger. In using ginger to the skin, should be tested first to avoid irritation to the skin.

 Besides being a delicious beverage, coffee can be used as a scrub to smooth the skin.

For those of you who have problems with dry skin or dry hair, use a coconut can be a solution. Coconuts are processed into virgin coconut oil (VCO) has a high content of lauric acid which functions as an antibacterial.

The content of grape seeds and grape skins are rich in antioxidants. So wine is useful to improve elasticity and protect skin from damage caused by ultraviolet light. Grapes contain linoleic and polyphenols which can prevent occurrence of wrinkles and acts as a natural anti-aging.

The benefits of soy for health and beauty was no doubt about it. Soybeans can be used to brighten the skin. As for hair, soybeans may prevent the hair so as not to dry and easy to customize.

Lemon is often used to as an antibacterial face so as to prevent acne. You also can eliminate the dry skin on heels, elbows or knees to rub lemon on the section. If your skin is sensitive, try to use it behind the ears to see if your skin is allergic or not.

In addition to being a very popular snack, it turns out other benefits that make a beautiful brown. For example, mask chocolate has many benefits for the skin, for example, serves to maintain softness, moisturize, tighten and refine skin. Chocolate also can slow the aging of the skin, including preventing wrinkles on the face.

 By using enzin papaya containing papain, you can raise the dead skin layer on the surface of the skin, remove black spots and smooth skin tone. Papaya contains vitamin A and vitamin C that functions as an antioxidant.

This flower becomes the basic ingredient for aromatherapy that can calm the mind. For the skin, lavender can enhance regeneration of cells and kill bacteria that cause acne.

Beautiful flower symbol of love can be used as astrigent that serves to shrink the pores and reduce oil on the face. Use rose oil to moisturize your face and reduce the redness of the face.

Olive oil
 You can use olive oil, because the content of this oil to soften and make the skin more supple.

Sesame oil
 Besides its function for cooking, this oil serves to smooth and soften the skin, hair or nails broken.

In addition to being good to eat fruit as well as a delicious juice, strawberries are also useful for preventing skin becomes dull. Strawberry fruit contain salicylic acid which is very good for your skin. In addition, antioxidant substances help repair skin damage caused by the environment are not good. These acids can also shrink the pores and brighten skin. One thing you can do is use the strawberry mask.

Nature has provided many benefits to adding natural beauty. Therefore, it is fitting for us to  responsibly  use and preserve it.

Weight Loss Diet Program - Quick and Effective

 Obesity is a truly complex health hazards that may affect any individuals irrespective of age or gender. It can be a serious health problem that may in time prove itself a life-threatening disorder and put an individual suffering from obesity in a high risk for developing cardiac problems, cholesterol or diabetics. If you are overweight or you just wish to maintain your figure, weight loss diet certainly works best for you, if you can follow rigorously.

Analyze your emotional state
If you are really serious about your overeating problem and make a good control on it, you should first start taking a diary on your food habits. The diary can include three columns initially. In the first column, you write the name of the food you are taking. In the second column, you write the temptation that you have experienced before attaining the food and in the third column, you should write about the emotional satisfaction that you have derived after having the food. Now it is the time to compare between your short-term gratifications that you acquire immediately after having (or rather during having) and the long term impact that you actually gain in your health system. It will certainly help you to switch to weight loss diet.

Provide little extra time to control your impulse
If you feel like eating now, provide some extra little time to get a hold on your impulse. Say, for example, you feel that you need to feed now and hunger is hitting you up badly, try to give yourself at least 10 minutes time before you actually turn yourself into any action. It helps.

Have plenty of water
Drink a minimum of 6-8litres water daily. Especially, you try not to forget drinking water before your meal. It will reduce your hunger and provide you a 'full feeling'. Not only that, pure drinking water has the ability to purify your system. It helps maintaining the homeostasis of the system with appropriate water retention while increasing the discharge of body wastages through urination.

Quick 'n' effective weight loss diet program
There are few quick but effective weight loss diet programs available in the market. In 1985, General Motors Inc in cooperation with John Hopkins Research Centre formulated a wonderful weight loss diet program for their employees and family members. According to the research, this program is effective and almost flawless. It is structured in a fashion that the followers of the program will be able to loose their weight to a remarkable extent, say, 10-17lb per week, without loosing their energy or stamina.

This is a seven day program; however, research has shown that there is no apparent harm related with it and this weight loss diet program can be repeated several times to get the desired result. If you are willing to follow this program, the first thing you have to do is to refrain from alcohol or any kind of alcoholic beverages. Additionally, you have to drink ten glasses of water every day.

On the first day of the program, you need to feed yourself with a variety of fruits except banana. The program suggests having lots of watermelon and a loupe to have good result. The second day comprises with vegetables. You may have raw or cooked one depending your own personal preference. To fulfill the requirement of carbohydrate, you may start with potatoes with little butter on it. Third day is a day of mixing. You have the combination of fruits and vegetables. But you are not allowed to have banana.

Third day of the weight loss diet program is not allowing you to have potato as well. In the fourth day, you may have a combination of banana and milk. But you are limited with 8 bananas and 3 glasses of milk. On the fifth day, you may relax a bit because it offers you to feed your appetite with beef and tomatoes.

Have 10 oz of lean beef with 6 tomatoes. But do not forget to increase your water intake by 1qrt. Sixth day is really lovely for you because you may have as many beef and vegetables as you want. In the seventh day, you may enjoy your weight loss diet by having brown rice, vegetables and fruit juice. Now measure your weight, and please do not forget to write a review of this weight loss diet program.