Friday, February 3, 2012

Jamu Of Temulawak

The name of 'Jamu'Javanese calls Jamu for herbal remedies, without chemist material as additive. Jamu has traditional connotation, because Jamu is ancient tradition, before modern pharmacology comes in Indonesia. Some formulas have a hundred years old and are used until now.
'Dukun' or 'tabib', a traditional doctor has been introducing this mention in ancient era. From them, drinking Jamu tradition has been popular in common people. And now, almost 80% of Indonesian people ever consume Jamu. For Indonesian people, Jamu is very popular as milk popularity for western.
 History of JamuThe origin of Jamu is obscure. No one really knows its source. However, popular stories link first Jamu to seventeenth century Mataram Hindu Empire, where ladies of the palace who rather preoccupied with keeping themselves young and beautiful for their husband undertook the preparation of Jamu and herbal cosmetics. And Madhawapura's Inscription from Majapahit Empire tells us about 'Jamu maker ' that call as Acaraki.

This tradition was being flourished in the palace of Jogjakarta and Solo princes, those become main reference for manufacturers Jamu in Indonesia. But until the early of 20th century, this tradition is still exclusively, only aristocrat communities doing this. Since 1910, Tan Swan Nio and Siem Tjiang Nio hold Djamoe Industrie en Chemicalen Handel "IBOE" Tjap 2 Njonja in Surabaya to produce Jamu for common people. And history of modern Jamu has begun

Advantage of Jamu There are many varieties of Jamu formulas. It almost covers all human healthy problems. 'Cabe puyeng' formula is able to cure rheumatics, 'gula asem' to cure vitamin C deficiency, 'beras kencur' for body refreshments and cure fatigue, 'daun papaya' to cure malaria, and 'sawanan' to refresh blood. All of these traditional formulas are well known in Indonesia.

Jamu is not used for medicine only. There are many usabilities of Jamu, e.g. for beauty treatment. For a long time, 'Galian Singset' formula is suitable for body slimming. Another formula is skin whitening, hair treatment, body smell refreshments, etc. Jamu can be healthy supplement too; e.g. formula to keep body in good condition, returns new power and spirit of life, and also a formula to reassures matrimonial happiness, etc.

Jamu's Form There are many kinds of Jamu formulas that ready to use. Jamu is usually formed in powder. But many Jamus for beauty treatment has a gel/liquid. In recent years, Jamu Iboe has diversified several of its products from the traditional powder form to 100% herbal extract capsules.
The Difference between Jamu and Modern Medicine The most glaring differences between Jamu and Modern medicine is in material. Jamu uses many kinds of nature herbs, even modern medicines from synthetic alchemy compound. So, Jamu has relatively fewer side effects than modern medicine. In other word Jamu has no alcohols, no narcotics, and no side effects.

Jamu in other countriesBasically, every country and region has same tradition with Jamu tradition in Indonesia. A traditional herb form India, China, or Arab is also well known. This tradition is become a part of their culture for a long year. But Jamu is more distinctive than the others. Indonesian Jamu hails from high quality of rare and unique herb plants. Indonesia is a celestial place for live and growth of many kinds of herbs plants species.
One Billion Men Have Hepatitis

Hepatitis is one of liver disease, which caused by virus. Hepatitis, famous with "yellow disease ", causes the dead number, the third after infection and lungs disease and usually attacks teenagers. Stadium one of these diseases started with cold, fever, sick on right-stomachache a bit under rib when under press. This disease can spread through food and drink. One million people around the world are predicted to have Hepatitis B, with 80% in Asia Pacific. The risk ratio of Indonesian people average get hepatitis B is 5%; especially for the Javanese the ratio raised 34.5%.

First Stadium of hepatitis B is flatulence, followed with the first stadium of Hepatitis A. Viruses of Hepatitis are more difficult to terminate. The infected way of Hepatitis B are trough needles, dentist needles, blood transfusions, razor and saliva, mother breast milk, intercourse, and toothbrush from hepatitis B patient. Even though Hepatitis C is not so familiar but now has been concerned by the medical experts. Hepatitis C is more dangerous than hepatitis A and B, because it has no sign of causes and hard to be cured. Sometimes it just shows simple causes like stomach disease. Until now, nobody knows how hepatitis C infected.

Be careful with unhealthy food People, who like to eat unhealthy food, eat food or drink liquid that contained hepatitis virus or from hepatitis patient, sharing toothbrush, razor, eating together in one plate, and free intercourse (with carrier or hepatitis patient), have high possibility infected by hepatitis viruses. They should get immunization or consume traditional medicine to avoid Hepatitis.