Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Best Vegetable Oil For Hair Care

 Hair care is undoubtedly a key part of every woman’s individual program on beauty care. More and more of us are choosing to use only natural hair loss treatments, which involve using essential or vegetable oils for scalp massages, herbal infusions for rinsing out hair after shampooing it, using various shampoos, conditioners, or other hair care products based on natural components and naturally derived nutrients for nourishing and moisturizing our hair. Using a vegetable oil treatment is a great natural solution for those who suffer from hair loss or hair damage caused by perms or coloring, as well as for restoring natural shiny and gorgeous look of hair. Below, there is a list of the best vegetable oils that are recommended for hair care.

 Olive oil for hair care. The effectiveness of using extra virgin olive oil for hair care can be surprising as this natural product can substantially improve our hair, strengthen and nourish it, make our hair feel softer and very healthy looking. Despite common idea that using such greasy product as olive oil can make our hair look even more oily is incorrect because after all the oil will be washed away with the shampoo. You can use the technique of massaging your scalp with warm olive oil, spreading it through the length of your hair, as well as treating your hair ends with this product. Conditioning your hair with olive oil on a  regular basis can assist in removing dust and micro particles that usually cause dandruff, scalp irritation, and even hair loss.

 Sunflower oil for hair care. Sunflower oil does not have amazing nourishing properties and numerous benefits of using extra virgin olive oil for hair care. However, this oil is more available and less expensive compared to high quality olive oil. Sunflower oil has been successfully used as an excellent natural hair conditioner for many centuries. Rich in natural fatty acids, this oil ca work great for nourishing our hair, strengthening our hair and preventing hair loss. Besides, this vegetable oil has excellent emollient properties, that is why it can be used as natural hair moisturizer, making our hair softer and more obedient, as well as looking fresh and live.

Coconut oil for hair care. Health benefits of coconut oil are numerous, and this natural oil is widely used for manufacturing various skin and hair care cosmetic products. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E, fatty acids, minerals and other important nutrients, and it can be an excellent natural solution for nourishing brittle and weak hair. In addition, it has great moisturizing properties which can serve great to those who has too dry or too oily hair. Coconut oil is considered an effective natural solution for such a common problem as dandruff. Finally, using coconut oil for hair care is a very smart idea for everyone who wants to prevent hair thinning and loss because this natural product can restore weak hair follicles and stimulate natural hair re-growth. Be sure using only high quality coconut oil for hair care.

Almond oil for hair care. Almond oil is one more type of vegetable oil which can be successfully used for scalp massages, just like olive or sunflower oil for hair care. This oil is especially recommended to those who suffer from too dry hair as almond oil has truly amazing moisturizing properties. Also, this oil can prevent brittle or frizzy hair, this way reducing your chances to suffer form hair loss. Almond oil is very commonly used as a base oil for essential oil blends. In other words, you can take one teaspoon of almond oil, add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil (or oils) for hair care, massage the mixture into your scalp and enjoy the effects of this natural hair loss treatment.

Let's Cycling

If you are lazy to exercise, cycling can be an interesting exercise to try. Bicycling will be lighter because without you have moved the body feels while to enjoy the scenery around. What do you get from cycling? How to choose a suitable bike?

The results obtained from cycling in particular will tighten as the lower calf muscles, thighs and hips. Bicycling can burn calories by 300 to 700 calories per hour. So, it will be useful for you who want to lose weight. In addition, cycling can increase lung volume to 50% so that the oxygen that can fit more.

 For obese people, cycling is a sport that is recommended for cycling are relatively safe compared to most sports that require running or jumping. Conflicts due to running or jumping can cause injury to the legs, waist, back for those who are obese because the excess weight makes impact even harder. Bicycling is also good for those who have heart disease.

One reason for cycling to be an interesting exercise is that cycling may be one way of relaxation. Enjoying the scenery in a relaxed and feel the gusts of wind can be one means of recreation is refreshing. So you can physically fit plus the clarity of thought.

Bike Buying Tips:
Interested to try cycling? For those of you who do not have a bike, the main step is to buy a bicycle to be used. There are various models of bikes in different sizes. In order to get a comfortable bike, consider the following things when choosing a bike that will be purchased:

Saddle bike should be comfortable to sit and in sizes that fit.
Choose a bike with saddle height is adjusted to your height. Saddle should not be too high because it will make it difficult when I had to pedal also can cause thigh into the wound. Saddle is too low also should be avoided because it makes the leg must bend too much and makes it feel sore. Although the bicycle saddle may be raised and lowered, but make sure that the maximum and minimum height according to your condition. Ideally tall bicycle saddle and handlebar height parallel.

Bicycling Tips :
Make sure the important parts of the bike such as brakes and tires in a safe condition so it will not interfere with travel or cause accidents.
To avoid risk of injury, do a little warming, especially to stretch the muscles of the bottom such as waist, thighs and calves.
As an addition to safety when cycling, you can use protective equipment such as helmets, shoes, socks, gloves, glasses or other necessary equipment.
When I started riding a bike, do it first with slow speed for 5-10 minutes as a way to warm up and adjust with the bike.
When riding a bike, keep your pedal one full turn.
Speed is recommended for health is 27 km / h and the wheels 70 revolutions per minute (rpm).
After cycling, doing cooling by pedaling slowly for about 10 minutes.

 In addition to health, using a bicycle also can reduce air pollution due to vehicular use. Traffic fumes can create a contaminated environment. We recommend using a bike when you have to travel to a place that allows to reach by bicycle. In fact, there is also a community named "Bike to Work" using a bicycle to go to work every day.

 Seeing the many positive results from cycling, it would not hurt to pedal your bike.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Identify Metals in Your Body

 To perform its function properly, our bodies need good nutrition. Substances that the body needs not only in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, or vitamins. Various metallic substance is also necessary for the body work properly. Any metal that the body needs? What is its function? How many are needed for the body?

Various metallic substance the body needs are:
Iron (Fe)
  • Function of iron: Carries oxygen from the lungs throughout the body and eliminate toxins from the body.
  • Effect if the deficiency: The bottom eyelid pale and easily tired.
  • Effect if the excess: Can cause swelling of the liver. Iron can prevent absorption of the drug. Should not be consumed in excess when you're taking a drug for drug efficacy are not wasted. Excess iron can cause swelling of the liver and reduces the body's ability to absorb copper.
  • Food sources of iron: Chicken liver, chicken meat, red meat, fish and legumes.
  • Recommended Dosage: 8-18 mg / day

 Zinc (Zn)
  • Function: Maintain fertility, strengthen the immune system, assist in the healing process and can help the body to produce approximately 100 enzymes needed. Lack of these enzymes make disturbed the body's metabolism that can cause various diseases. Zinc is also useful for skin beauty is to prevent acne, prevent dry skin and helps regenerate the skin.
  • Effect if the deficiency: Wounds difficult to heal because of the slow regeneration of the skin, no appetite, slow growth, fatigue and even can cause infertility in men.
  • Effect if the excess: If the amount of these substances exceed 2000 mg in the body can inhibit the absorption of copper, and folate are also required by the body. Side effects of excess substances include dizziness, vomiting, frequent sleepiness, sweating, and low cholesterol levels.
  • Food sources: Zinc can be obtained from foods such as beans, nuts, cheese, beef, chicken and various marine fish.
  • Recommended Dosage: 12 mg / day.

Manganese (Mn)
  • Function: It is important to maintain brain health, bone, plays a role in hair and nail growth, and help generate enzymes for the metabolism of the body to convert carbohydrates and protein to form the energy will be used.
  • Effect if the deficiency: Causing decreased levels of iron in the body thereby increasing the risk of anemia, skin disorders, heart, liver, blood vessels and brain damage. In addition, excessive manganese to prevent the absorption of copper to the body.
  • Food sources: Eggs, beans, legumes, green leafy vegetables, red meat. In the fruits found in strawberries, pineapple, grapes.
  • Recommended Dosage: 5 mg / day
Chromium (Cr)
  • Function: Assisted with vitamins B3, chromium responsible for managing the placement of glucose in the blood to the body cells to then be converted into energy.
  • Effect if the deficiency: Increasing levels of cholesterol and fats in the blood that can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
  • Effect if the excess: Cause stomach irritation and inhibits the absorption of copper by the body.
  • Food sources: Bread, wheat, corn, meat, fish and cheese.
  • Recommended Dosage: 25 mg / day

Copper (Cu)
  • Function: Form hemoglobin, collagen and maintaining healthy nerves.
  • Effect if the deficiency: Anemia, radanng joints and fatigue.
  • Effect if the excess: Can cause poisoning characterized by vomiting, dizziness, weakness, abdominal pain and diarrhea. If there is constant pain can cause heart and liver damage resulting in death.
  • Food sources: Seafood, wheat, corn, legumes.
  • Recommended Dosage: 1.2 mg / day.
Magnesium (Mg)
  • Function: Plays an important role to maintain a healthy heart, kidney and muscle.
  • Effect if the deficiency: Can cause a heart attack, kidney, hypertension and asthma attacks.
  • Effect if the excess: Can cause diarrhea.
  • Food sources: Nuts, legumes, green leafy vegetables, wheat, corn.
  • Recommended Dosage: 320 mg / day.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Benefits Bananas For Beauty

 The following article is an advanced  article  bananas  benefits  as a natural remedy, this time more specifically  the efficacy of bananas  for beauty treatments and dietary benefits of banana juice.

Banana for beauty:
Moisturize dry skin. Take the banana fruit to taste, grind until smooth. Add two tablespoons of olive oil, apply evenly to the face that previously had been cleaned. Let it dry kira2 20 minutes. Rinse with clean water. Do it every day. 

 Remove acne scars or chicken pox marks. Take part in the gold banana skin, rubbing in the face, allow a moment to dry and then wash with water. Apply to acne scars disappear. Facial skin will be smooth and fast.
Skin smoothing hand and foot. Rub the inside of the banana skin on the hands and feet, rough / broken. Do it every day.

Hair fertilizer. Drying five fruit banana skin to dry and then mashed up into powder. Add one egg yolk taken and one cup water, stirring evenly. Apply on the hair.
More luminous hair and hair loss prevention. Take the cut banana weevil new to taste, chopped and shredded. Squeeze and then take the water. Put on the hair and scalp while a massage. Do it every morning.

Banana Juice Diet:
Recipe to make banana juice.
Making banana juice should be mixed with other ingredients such as 1-2 cups of pear, papaya, guava, or mango.

Enter 1 / 2 fresh bananas which have been peeled, 1 cup mango juice (or fresh mango slices bbrp / pear fresh fruit / papaya / guava fresh + 1 cup small ice cubes in a blender. Run the blender at high speed during 15-20 seconds. Do not add sugar, will you get the sweet taste of fruit is enough. Sugar when added to fermented in the body, making abdominal bloating or discomfort.

 Banana Juice Recipe 2:
 Mash the banana with a fork or whatever until smooth, add yogurt nature (yogurt with no flavor), enjoy immediately.

This is a very good cocktail juice for digestion, can even help cure even serious intestinal inflammation.

Bananas may decrease or increase the  weight. Research shows, one can lose weight with a diet of bananas.

 If you want to lose weight, how easy. Eat four bananas and four glasses of non-fat milk or fresh milk in a day. Do it for three days a week. Of bananas and milk, you get 1.250 calories. enough for your needs Dlm calories a day. The menu is healthy for your body. In addition to weight loss, diet banana also helps skin to be more clean and not greasy.

 If you want to add weight to the body, making the fat, drink a glass of banana shake mixed with honey, nuts and mango, after dinner. This menu if taken every day, will help raise the weight.

Inaddition to cure intestinal inflammation,  banana juice  beneficial  for diseases:
  • Fever. In this disease, banana juice will neutralize the acid reflux hidroklorik felt in the back of the throat, in addition to banana juice helps pressing the abdomen into the chest cavity to get back into its original position . So far, the prevention of heartburn can be obtained from several minerals in bananas, especially potassium, which can strengthen the LES (Lower Esophageal sphincter) by increasing muscle contractions more frequent.
  • Diverticulitis. This disease occurs due to an inflammation of the small  pockets  in the intestinal wall.  The bags  contain  fecal  material  which  causes pain  in the gut wall. Well, because bananas contain fiber, fats and oil so that the banana can protect the intestinal wall.
  • Inflammation of the stomach. When the mucosal tissue in the abdomen feels tender and sore, we will have a hard time digesting food, and even felt a tremendous pain. Banana juice  will coat, soothing, and cure serious inflammation as well as materials anti acid.