Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Best Vegetable Oil For Hair Care

 Hair care is undoubtedly a key part of every woman’s individual program on beauty care. More and more of us are choosing to use only natural hair loss treatments, which involve using essential or vegetable oils for scalp massages, herbal infusions for rinsing out hair after shampooing it, using various shampoos, conditioners, or other hair care products based on natural components and naturally derived nutrients for nourishing and moisturizing our hair. Using a vegetable oil treatment is a great natural solution for those who suffer from hair loss or hair damage caused by perms or coloring, as well as for restoring natural shiny and gorgeous look of hair. Below, there is a list of the best vegetable oils that are recommended for hair care.

 Olive oil for hair care. The effectiveness of using extra virgin olive oil for hair care can be surprising as this natural product can substantially improve our hair, strengthen and nourish it, make our hair feel softer and very healthy looking. Despite common idea that using such greasy product as olive oil can make our hair look even more oily is incorrect because after all the oil will be washed away with the shampoo. You can use the technique of massaging your scalp with warm olive oil, spreading it through the length of your hair, as well as treating your hair ends with this product. Conditioning your hair with olive oil on a  regular basis can assist in removing dust and micro particles that usually cause dandruff, scalp irritation, and even hair loss.

 Sunflower oil for hair care. Sunflower oil does not have amazing nourishing properties and numerous benefits of using extra virgin olive oil for hair care. However, this oil is more available and less expensive compared to high quality olive oil. Sunflower oil has been successfully used as an excellent natural hair conditioner for many centuries. Rich in natural fatty acids, this oil ca work great for nourishing our hair, strengthening our hair and preventing hair loss. Besides, this vegetable oil has excellent emollient properties, that is why it can be used as natural hair moisturizer, making our hair softer and more obedient, as well as looking fresh and live.

Coconut oil for hair care. Health benefits of coconut oil are numerous, and this natural oil is widely used for manufacturing various skin and hair care cosmetic products. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E, fatty acids, minerals and other important nutrients, and it can be an excellent natural solution for nourishing brittle and weak hair. In addition, it has great moisturizing properties which can serve great to those who has too dry or too oily hair. Coconut oil is considered an effective natural solution for such a common problem as dandruff. Finally, using coconut oil for hair care is a very smart idea for everyone who wants to prevent hair thinning and loss because this natural product can restore weak hair follicles and stimulate natural hair re-growth. Be sure using only high quality coconut oil for hair care.

Almond oil for hair care. Almond oil is one more type of vegetable oil which can be successfully used for scalp massages, just like olive or sunflower oil for hair care. This oil is especially recommended to those who suffer from too dry hair as almond oil has truly amazing moisturizing properties. Also, this oil can prevent brittle or frizzy hair, this way reducing your chances to suffer form hair loss. Almond oil is very commonly used as a base oil for essential oil blends. In other words, you can take one teaspoon of almond oil, add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil (or oils) for hair care, massage the mixture into your scalp and enjoy the effects of this natural hair loss treatment.

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